Category: Digital Marketing
How Higher Education Marketers are Navigating COVID-19
Experts at Archer Education discuss the most important aspects to consider during the COVID-19 crisis.
Should Your Institution Add These Seven Growing Programs?
Archer’s team of enrollment marketing experts took a look at seven of the top 20 fastest-growing occupations, according to BLS and performed a high-level program analysis for each one. See what we found.
New Data Suggests the Demand for Higher Ed Is Increasing
Based on data from a recent report from Google, it appears that although enrollment is still down, interest in higher education is actually trending in the opposite direction. The first and second quarters of 2019 marked the periods of largest growth in Edu searches since the first quarter of 2017.
Dominate Search Results at Every Step in The Prospective Student Journey
Many clients ask us whether they should focus on branded terms or non-brand terms when developing their SEM strategy. Find out how we answered.
Three Tests to Improve Your Enrollment Marketing ROI, Starting Now
This is an exciting time for digital marketing. The platforms, technologies, and analytics available to marketers have never been more plentiful, and the ways in which your prospects respond to their usage is changing every day. At the same time, more and more brands are understanding the importance of digital marketing. The result is continually
Why You Should Use Google’s Responsive Search Ads In Your Enrollment Marketing
Getting the right message to the right prospects at the right time is crucial to getting the right students enrolled. That means the amount of time your marketing team, whether they’re in-house or a partner agency, spends strategizing, crafting, and testing your messaging is significant. Imagine if there was a tool that helped them craft
Four Simple But Effective Strategies to Engage Prospective Students on Facebook and Instagram
Social media has been a mainstay of your student recruitment strategy for years now, and that isn’t going to change: Facebook and Instagram in particular are still extremely effective recruitment platforms for savvy colleges and universities. The tactics you implemented a few years ago, however, won’t continue producing the results you need. Today, your social
The Single Most Important Question to Ask Before You Partner With Any Enrollment Marketing Agency
How can you tell if an agency truly wants to partner with you for long term success? Here’s a short list of basic questions to ask any agency in order to help you understand ...
From Data to Actionable Intelligence: 5 Ways to Utilize Data in Your Enrollment Marketing Plan
Data is an enrollment marketer's number one weapon. But with so many marketing choices to make in today's digital landscape, it’s tough to know how to put your data to work in the most effective ways possible.
From Inquiry to Enrollment: 3 Proven Strategies to Keep Prospective Students Engaged
It’s no longer enough to get your school in front of students in the early stages of their decision-making process. Your marketing team needs to engage with them throughout the entire process - even after they’ve requested more information. Here’s how to do so effectively.
Archer Helps Trinity Law School Grow Advanced Degree Programs
Trinity initially approached Archer looking for help generating inquiry volume with our proven cost-per-inquiry program. But we saw a much greater opportunity than just generating initial inquiries for the university.
Facebook Stories Ads for Enrollment Marketing: Three Things to Know
Instagram introduced Story Ads in January 2017, just six months after Instagram Stories themselves launched. Find out the three things you should know.