Category: Insights

The Importance of Organic Content in Higher Ed Marketing Strategies
Discover the power of organic content and how to create valuable, shareable content that boosts your institution's visibility and generates traffic.

How Community Colleges Are Leading Innovation
Community colleges are seeing positive enrollment growth for the first time in years. Learn about the leading innovations that are beginning to make an impact.

The 4 E’s of Enrollment Management
Creating a clear path toward enrollment is a challenge in today’s competitive higher ed environment. Focus on the 4 E’s of enrollment management.

Q&A With an Admissions Advisor
Dive into the day-to-day work of an admissions advisor to learn more about how they support students in finding the right program and pursuing their dreams.

How to Develop a Student Persona: Strategies and Examples
Persona-based marketing is a tried-and-true tool for customer acquisition, and higher education is no exception.

How to Market Bootcamps and Other Nontraditional Programs
Did you know there are key differences between how to market traditional degree programs and how to market bootcamps and other alternative education programs?

Understanding and Engaging Nontraditional Students in the Higher Ed Market
Gain a full understanding of who nontraditional students are, and discover how to show up effectively for them in your enrollment marketing efforts this year.

CHLOE 6: Online Learning Leaders Adapt to a Post-Pandemic World
Online learning has gone mainstream in a way unimaginable only a few months ago. And as the Fall semester comes into focus, answers around what might happen in the Fall still remain unclear.

Should Your Institution Add These Seven Growing Programs?
Archer’s team of enrollment marketing experts took a look at seven of the top 20 fastest-growing occupations, according to BLS and performed a high-level program analysis for each one. See what we found.

New Data Suggests the Demand for Higher Ed Is Increasing
Based on data from a recent report from Google, it appears that although enrollment is still down, interest in higher education is actually trending in the opposite direction. The first and second quarters of 2019 marked the periods of largest growth in Edu searches since the first quarter of 2017.

Dominate Search Results at Every Step in The Prospective Student Journey
Many clients ask us whether they should focus on branded terms or non-brand terms when developing their SEM strategy. Find out how we answered.

eBook: 7 Steps to Geographic Expansion of Your Online Programs
If your institution is interested in expanding its online programs to new geographies, then this eBook is for you.